Worship through Music Lessons and Appreciation

What To Know About Learning Sacred Guitar Music

Want To Learn Sacred Acoustic Guitar?

guitar class at trinityHere at, one of the services and lesson programs we provide centers around the performance of sacred guitar music for beginning and intermediate guitarists.

We think that it’s important not only to keep the art of playing church music alive in the community, but also to inspire budding guitarists of any age to find the beauty and music that is such a strong part of the history of all religions, and connect to a higher spiritual force through their offerings.

So, not only are we commited to providing a number of different lesson programs and resources, but we also want to encourage you to share your talents with the rest of the Trinity community, whether that’s through a recital or accompanying a Sunday service.

Here’s a quick overview of the options we have for learning sacred guitar.

Our Lesson Programs

Finally, we are proud to offer several different options for sacred guitar lessons and classes here at Trinity Church.

We offer the following programs:
Beginners’ Basics: This is a 12 week course that meets once a week on Tuesday evenings from September through November, January through march, and May through August. The course covers the basics of how to hold and play acoustic guitar, and what considerations you need to have in order to begin to learn how to play basic hymns.

Intermediate Sacred Guitar: This course is for those who have gone through the Beginners’ Basics course and/or have enough experience to skip through that course. In this class, we focus on the application of guitar techniques to sacred music, and cover topics such as how to embellish and improvise over common sacred patterns and hymns, and how to create a background atmosphere ad lib for a church service, such as the passing of communion plates or other transitional period of the service.

Click here to learn more.

Where to learn guitar online:

If you’re interested in learning the guitar, there are some really great online resources you might want to consider. Here are a few of our favorites”

There’s also a really great lesson for beginning guitarists put up in this video on youtube, so if you’re just starting out you might consider watching a few of these and learning the basics on your own, before taking it to the next level and getting lessons at the church!

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